Uploaded on Jun 3, 2011 on You Tube
A presentation by Milton Mills, M.D.
The major causes of death in Western countries are cardiovascular diseases and cancers. Abundant medical research linking these diseases to dietary and lifestyle factors, guidelines advanced by the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, and the Surgeon General, among others, counsel Americans to sharply reduce animal foods consumed and replace them with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In effect, they are recommending a more plant-based diet, which begs the question: Are humans designed to eat meat?
Milton Mills, M.D. has an extensive background in nutrition research, focusing on the role nutrition plays in the development of chronic diseases. He is a graduate of the Stanford University School of Medicine and is a practicing physician in the Washington, D.C. area. He also serves as the Associate Director of Preventive Medicine for the health policy group Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. He has lectured extensively throughout North America and is a Nutrition Health Education Video Spokesperson for the Discovery Health Channel.
Filming and editing by Dr William Harris M.D. on November 12, 2005 at McCoy Pavilion, Ala Moana Beach Park, Honolulu, Hawaii
Sponsored by: Vegetarian Society of Hawaii http://www.vsh.org