Monday, October 21, 2013

Blood Type Diet: Fact or Fiction? by Michael Klaper, M.D.

There's a big following for this diet with absolutely no scientific proof. Here's an article written by a real doctor that prescribes life-saving diets with the best explanation: 

Blood Type Diet: Fact or Fiction?

by Michael Klaper, M.D.

The "blood type diet" theory has gained widespread attention from the public since the release of "Eat Right For Your Type" by Peter J. D'Adamo, N. D. (G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1996). The book's basic premise - that Type O's are the dominant, hunter-caveman type that require meat in the diet, Type A's are docile vegetarians, and Type B's are dairy-eating omnivores - has become a dietary manifesto for many people. However, the "blood type diet" theory, and the book that promotes it, presents many problems that prevent me from seriously basing any of my dietary choices upon them.

Read the full article here:

Dr. Michael Klaper is a practicing physician with forty years of experience in general practice and acute care medicine.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Green Zombie Killer Shake (dairy-free, sugar-free & fruit-free) Recipe

Green Zombie Killer Shake (dairy-free, sugar-free & fruit-free) Recipe
by Kim Smith

Here another one of my green smoothies that makes a lot if you follow the recipe, but you can put any extra in a mason jar and keep it in the fridge. I would try to drink it the same day. This definitely needs to be made in a high-speed blender like the Vitamix or Blendtec.

3 cups Skinny Bliss Tea or water
2 Tbsp. organic chia seeds
2 Tbsp. organic hemp seeds
2 Tbsp. organic pumpkin seeds
1 tsp. HealthForce Spirulina Manna
1/2 tsp. HealthForce Elixir of the Lake blue green algae
1 tsp. organic vanilla powder
1 rib organic celery
3 small organic cucumbers
3 cups greens (organic spring lettuce mix, organic spinach, etc...)
1-2 squirts Sweetleaf flavored liquid stevia (I used English Toffee)
If more sweetness is needed add Now Foods organic stevia powder to taste

Blend with ice.


All of the wonderful essential fats in the seeds help disguise the flavor of the greens. This shake will kill any morning zombie feelings and give you amazing energy! All of the ingredients with the exception of the fresh organic veggies are available at Pure Health Foods.

The Lean Green Machine (Fruit-Free, Sugar-Free Smoothie) Recipe

The Lean Green Machine
By Kim Smith

This recipe makes a lot so you can share with someone or put leftovers in a mason jar and in the fridge for later, and I recommend using a Vitamix or Blendtec high-speed blender.

3 cup Skinny Bliss Tea or purified water
2Tbsp. organic chia seeds
1/4 cup organic pumpkin seeds
1/2 tsp. HealthForce Elixir of the Lake blue green algae powder
1 Tbsp. HealthForce Spirulina Manna powder
1 1/2 Tbsp. HealthForce VitaMineral Greens powder
1/2 tsp.  Yerba Mate Royale Instant Tea (optional)
3 cups organic young romaine or spring lettuce or spinach mix
Add Now Foods organic Stevia powder to your taste for sweetness
Medicine Flower organic for culinary use flavor drops (Yes, we carry these at Pure Health Foods for $21.99 1/2 oz) When it comes to these drops, a little goes a long way! I used 2 drops strawberry with 2 drops banana for my flavoring.
Blend with ice.


I promise you won't taste the greens if you make this recipe exactly as it's written here. This smoothie gives you great energy. It's awesome in the morning to get you going or before a workout. It also has everything you need as a meal replacement.

All of the ingredients, with the exception of the fresh organic greens are available at Pure Health Foods.