Monday, June 27, 2011

Juice Cleansing Day 8 -15

By Kim Smith

 Busy at the store, so I'll be combining days. We're still on our juice cleanse. Our skin looks great and our clothes are getting looser. We can feel that our bodies are in repair mode. 

Here are some pictures from another one of our juices:

All the veggies for our juice.
Remember this is for 2 people.
organic celery, organic zucchini, organic tomatoes, organic romaine, organic red bell pepper, & organic lemon.
Here's what it looked like after it was juiced, but before I stirred it together.
We decided it was too good to gulp down from a glass, so we put it in bowls & used a spoon.

Remember to "chew" your juice, so it gets mixed in with your saliva to help with digesting.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Juice Cleansing Day 6 & 7

Thanks everyone for the interest in our juice cleansing. We're still going strong. It's been a long week and we need to rest and repair, so we'll see you again on Monday. Thanks!

Juice Recipe - amounts for 1 person.
1/2  organic lemon
1 organic cucumber
5 stalks organic celery
4 or 5 organic romaine lettuce leaves

Have a great weekend!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Juice Cleansing Day 5

By Kim Smith

We've made it to day 5!
We've had some questions about how we're doing our juice cleanse, so I thought I'd take some time today to let you know. Sean and I are vegan and mostly raw, so transitioning into a juice cleanse was fairly easy for us. If you're wanting to do a juice cleanse coming from a Standard American Diet, you may want to start cutting out meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy out of your diet and add lots of fresh raw organic produce to it for a week or 2 before you juice cleanse. If your on any medications, you'll want to have your doctor monitor you to make sure if you're dosage needs to be altered. Here's a great website that is dedicated to juice fasting
I'll follow up more tomorrow.

Here's a picture of our red cabbage juice

It's just organic red cabbage!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Juice Cleansing Day 4

By Kim Smith

We've made it to day 4! The first 3 days are the ones you have to get used to not eating solid foods and we've flown through them. Yea! Still feeling great!

Here's another juice recipe:
The recipe is for 1 person.

1/2 organic lemon
2 organic romaine lettuce leaves
1 bunch organic cilantro
5 organic celery stalks (with leaves)
2 organic tomatoes
1 organic carrot (unless you're watching your sugars)


Let us know if you're planning a juice cleansing...we'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Juice Cleansing Day 3

By Kim Smith

Well, here we are on day 3. We've been shedding 2 lbs. a day so far on our juice feast. We're feeling great and surprisingly not craving solid foods...the juices are so packed with nutrition (and delicious!)  that we haven't felt deprived. 

Here's the juice recipe we've been enjoying for lunch:
(Recipe for 1 person)

1 quarter inch organic ginger
1/2 an organic lemon
2 organic grapefruits
organic stevia powder to sweeten

When juicing lemons you can leave the skin on, but for grapefruit you need to peel them.

We've also been supplementing our juice feast with spirulina powder and chlorella powder in alkaline water to help us get rid of toxins. We're also using Cellfood in our alkaline water.

Click here for more information on alkaline water: 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Juice Cleansing

By Kim Smith

Sean and I started a juice feast yesterday. We're juicing organic veggies for breakfast and dinner, and having organic grapefruit, lemon & ginger juice for lunch. For mid-morning and afternoon "snacks" we're drinking organic lemon juice in alkaline water and detox teas.

Here's our breakfast juice recipe:

This recipe is for 1:
1 half inch cut organic ginger piece
1/2 organic lemon
1 bunch organic parsley
5 or 6 stalks of organic celery

It's important to use organic produce especially for juicing and a cleanse, because you don't want to overload your body with the toxins from pesticides from conventional produce. 

Here's a link to the juicers we sell on our website:

Live Blood Cell Analysis at Pure Health Foods